
Stoning Critic for Review of Paul McCartney’s ‘Standing’

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Please keep Mike Boehm away from classical music concerts, even ones featuring compositions by contemporary rock stars such as Paul McCartney (“Long and Winding Road to Poignant End,” July 21). Mr. Boehm is obviously more suited to write about “Teen Idols of the ‘60s”--yawn, snore!--which he does capably in the same issue.

“Standing Stone” is not the Beatles, not Elvis Costello, nor is it Led Zeppelin, or Wings, or even Beethoven. It is, in the opinion of many more classically experienced than Mr. Boehm, a work filled with beautiful melodies, Gershwin-esque rhythms, and orchestral colors worthy of Ives or Rimsky-Korsakov. I defy anyone to leave a “Standing Stone” performance and not be humming one of the major themes--they are that tuneful.

McCartney has had his share of flops in his solo career, and has been called on them, so he isn’t “getting away” with anything, as the reviewer seems to think. (What kind of grudge does he have against Paul, anyway?)


Paul’s taken a risk in writing symphonic music and deserves credit for that alone. “Standing Stone” is a magnificent and charming work for anyone with ears, and a little patience to spend on new music.

So please, take Mr. Boehm out of the concert halls and send him back to the mosh pits and the amphitheaters. And next time send someone a little more open-minded.


Seal Beach


You will get a lot of negative letters regarding your review and they will be deserved. It’s very trendy to knock Paul, and you prove yourself to be a good little sheep in doing so. . . .


Just because your ears are unschooled doesn’t mean the music of “Standing Stone” is dull. Perhaps, Mr. Boehm, it is you who is dull.

A good reporter takes himself out of the equation. I didn’t want to read about how you doodled and how the Beatles drew you into music, I wanted to hear some insights on McCartney’s newest venture.

Paul McCartney is great, you are not. Paul McCartney’s music will live forever. Your writing is forgettable. Perhaps you should give Mr. McCartney the respect he deserves rather than merely tossingaside his great piece as celebrity vanity. Stick to your three-chord rock reviews; McCartney is way out of your league.



Ann Arbor, Mich.
