
Police Picnic Rewards Students for Good Job

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Undaunted by drizzly skies, officers from the LAPD’s West Valley Division hosted a picnic in the park Friday for a group of outstanding Canoga Park Elementary School fourth-graders.

The Lanark Park event for students with good grades and attendance has been presented by members of the department for 15 years, teacher David Keyser said.

“We really appreciate what the department does every year and the kids just love it.”

Officer Steve Whitelawn said the division hosts the barbecues to encourage kids to stay in school. “It’s a way to show the kids that the police are on their side and are supportive of them,” he said.


Hot dogs, hamburgers and other picnic treats were offered, and the students took part in sack races, relays and other games.

Teams of two lobbed raw eggs back and forth, stepping farther and farther back until just one team--the winner--was left holding unbroken eggs.

“I’m covered in egg,” said My Nguyen after an unsuccessful toss.
