
For Fatherless Boys, Day With Celebrities Is Aces

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Fourteen-year-old Cory says he has never really known his father. But on Monday at a mentoring event geared to fatherless boys, he says he found a new best friend.

“I got matched up with Michael Fishman, you know, the kid from ‘Roseanne,’ ” he said in an excited rush. “He’s a kid too. Well, he’s famous but he doesn’t act all special or nothing like that.”

Cory and his new friend played miniature golf and chatted. Cory said he would never forget the day. Fishman, 16, said the day was just as special for him.


“I try to give back whenever I can,” Fishman said. “I wish that more actors and celebrities would. I don’t think they even realize how valuable it can be to some kids, kids who are just looking for one person to show that they care.”

More than 100 area boys ages 7 to 12, chosen from group homes and other programs, attended the Tim Brown Kid-Am Mentor Mini Golf Classic at Palace Park in Irvine. Celebrities and athletes included pro beach volleyball player Sinjin Smith; Brent Severyn, with the Mighty Ducks; Dan McVicar, of “Bold & the Beautiful”; Scott Williams, a member of the U.S. Men’s National Field Hockey team; and Heisman Trophy-winning Brown, captain of the Oakland Raiders.

Brown said being involved in activities like Monday’s event is something he does on a regular basis.


“God has blessed me with good things in my life, and I feel like I have to give something back,” he said. “I always tell kids that instead of looking at me as Tim Brown the football player, they should look at me as someone who cares.”

Robert, 14, whose father died when he was a baby, said everything about the day impressed him.

“Man, they gave us access to everything,” he said. “We got to go on rides and go in the batting cage and hit balls. But my favorite thing was getting to play as many video games as I wanted. Well, that, and getting to meet Tim Brown. He’s a real success, huh? He’s pretty awesome.”
