
Feuer Again Objects to School Expansion

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Los Angeles City Councilman Mike Feuer has restated his objection to a controversial proposal to expand Millikan Middle School, effectively killing the project.

Last November, Millikan applied for Proposition K funds, which voters approved for the improvement of park and recreation facilities, so it could expand. The proposal called for five outdoor stages with lighting and fences at a cost of about $542,600.

Feuer’s objection came in letters to both the Board of Recreation and Parks Commissioners and the Sherman Oaks Homeowners Assn.


Approval of such projects without support of the local council member is very rare, said Feuer deputy Sharon Mayer.

Mayer said Feuer restated his objection because it was falsely reported to the Recreation and Parks commissioners that he supported the project.

Feuer’s June 18 letter cites six joint-use agreements between the Department of Recreation and Parks and LAUSD sites, among them the project at Millikan.


“Although I strongly support joint-use agreements with school sites to augment scarce parkland in the city, I have opposed the Millikan Middle School proposal,” Feuer wrote. “The scope of the project and its activities are incompatible with the adjacent residential neighborhood . . . please rescind your approval. . . .”

To complicate matters, Sherman Oaks residents were upset last week after seeing another erroneous report listing the Millikan proposal as one of about 30 Proposition K projects to receive funding from the City Council. In fact, it had been set aside for future consideration.

But members of the Sherman Oaks Homeowners Assn. did not hear that information before they started handing out fliers warning residents about the secret approval of “a massive expansion program.”


“To me, the interesting thing is how quickly the neighborhood galvanized to stop the project,” said homeowners association president Richard Close.
