


Kim Morimoto, pharmacy administrator:

“Tuesdays With Morrie,” by Mitch Albom (Doubleday).

“The simplicity of living every day to the fullest takes on a different dimension through the eyes of Albom’s dying teacher, Morrie Schwartz, who teaches powerfully simple lessons.”


Robert Yallen, ad executive:


“Storms and Illuminations: 18 Years of Access Theatre,” by Cynthia Wisehart (Emily Publications).

“Wisehart has beautifully described the story of a theater company that integrated people with disabilities into its productions. Her book reminds us that one’s talent is not inhibited by one’s physical circumstances.”


Stacy Gantos, restaurant professional:

“Kundun: A Biography of the Family of the Dalai Lama” by Mary Craig (Counterpoint)

“Craig has written an enlightening story about Tibet, its struggles with China and the child who was reincarnated to become emperor. It’s incredibly moving to read about these people whose heritage is so threatened.”


John Schuck, actor:

“The Great Gatsby,” by F. Scott Fitzgerald (Simon & Schuster).

“Through Gatsby’s life, we can see how hollow the American Dream is: that in pursuit of the almighty dollar, we have forgotten how to define the human and spiritual sides of life. ‘Gatsby’ is a timely book for unsettled times.”
