
Probe of State Education Grants


Re “Education Grants Are Target of U.S. Probe,” May 18: As the primary author of the 1967 California Plan for Adult Education, I wasn’t surprised to hear of the scandal.

Adult education is the best component of our system because the students vote with their feet. What counts in curriculum is relevancy; what counts with teachers is knowledge and enthusiasm, not certification. From kindergarten to university, kids are tied to systems run by those who profit from outmoded, institutional thinking.

Fifty years ago few wanted a massive federal education bureaucracy or a giant state department of education. We were right. These establishments merely suck money that can be better spent on education.


Adult education is the most important component of future education. Considering that we live functional lives 50 to 70 years beyond the classroom, schools for kids is a simplistic concept. At least a fifth of the education dollar should go to this sector because our nation needs all the new skills it can get. A healthy adult is a student; a healthy community nurtures lifelong learning.




I have a real problem with the discovery that in over 30 of the 100 community-based agencies, documents showed that “the majority had accounted for their funds properly.” A majority is sufficient in Congress, but in financial accountability it is abhorrent.

Bert Corona’s statement that this investigation was launched because “people are not happy with the growing numbers of Latinos who are registering to vote” is race-baiting at its worst. This whole program should be scrapped until every one of those 15 million tax dollars is accounted for.


Los Angeles
