
Cities: Council Candidates and Where They Stand on O.C. Issues

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Anaheim (Two seats)

Paul Bostwick

Age: 57

Occupation: Business owner

Issues: Improve neighborhood safety; protect neighborhoods from high-density development

Frank Feldhaus

Age: 70

Occupation: Retired telecommunications executive

Issues: Reduce crime; work with school boards

John R. Karczynski

Age: 26

Occupation: Business owner

Issues: Empower and invest in neighborhoods; build police station in West Anaheim

Todd Kaudy

Age: 28

Occupation: Businessman

Issues: Reduce overcrowded schools; limit commercial development in Anaheim Hills

Lucille Kring

Age: 55

Occupation: Businesswoman

Issues: Reduce crime by expanding community policing; work with code enforcement to reduce overcrowding

Leonard L. Lahtinen

Age: 64

Occupation: Community college trustee

Issues: Improve older and neglected neighborhoods; supports community policing and code enforcement

Sean F. Leonard

Age: 29

Occupation: Special education/occupational therapist

Issues: Encourage people against voting because contends it will not put an end to crime or bring cleaner neighborhoods



(Three seats)

Lynn Daucher

Age: 52

Occupation: Incumbent

Issues: Completion of downtown redevelopment; ridgelines/hillsides preservation

Burnie Dunlap

Age: 55

Occupation: Incumbent; businessman

Issues: Complete economic revitalization of downtown; acquire land for a sports park

Roy Moore

Age: 63

Occupation: Retired financial executive

Issues: Finish downtown and surrounding stores; implement term limits

Glenn G. Parker

Age: 46

Occupation: Incumbent; business owner

Issues: Ensure public safety comes first; support for family, youth and seniors

Steven C. Vargas

Age: 36

Occupation: Small business owner/executive assistant to OC Supervisor Todd Spitzer

Issues: Supports council term limits; wants to make Brea business-friendly by rejecting new fees and by creating a volunteer position of business ombudsman

Buena Park

(Three seats)

Art Brown

Age: 61

Occupation: Incumbent; retired Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy

Issues: Wants to work on plans for a new Metrolink station; building up Auto Row

Paul D. Gonzales

Age: 40

Occupation: Owns and runs a jewelry store

Issues: Wants to maintain police service levels; develop more youth programs

Patsy Marshall

Age: 54

Occupation: Incumbent; owns Marshall and and Associates, a public relations consulting business

Issues: Wants to maintain and improve service levels for police, parks and other departments while maintaining financial stability; wants to make city more attractive to businesses, tourists and convention-goers


Dannue L. Mayo

Age: 47

Occupation: President and CEO of Golden Opportunity Youth Assn.

Issues: Wants more after-school programs for youths as well as programs for senior citizens; would start a program called Police on the Block, where police voluntarily live in the city

Gerald N. Sigler

Age: Declined to state

Occupation: Incumbent; retired manufacturing engineer

Issues: Wants to build new Civic Center; would ensure protection of city’s water supply and continue to beautify city and improve Entertainment Corridor

Costa Mesa

(Two seats)

Caroline Butler

Age: 51

Occupation: Businesswoman

Issues: Expand area policing program; preserve open space and create small “pocket parks”

Linda Dixon

Age: 49

Occupation: Institutional fund development consultant

Issues: Preserve open space; expand recreational facilities for children and teens

James R. Fisler

Age: 47

Occupation: Businessman

Issues: Stop funding the Costa Mesa Job Center; build 19th Street bridge

Lawrence Jones

Age: 31

Occupation: Congressional aide

Issues: Redevelop unattractive properties; eliminate public funding that helps undocumented immigrants


Gary Monahan

Age: 39

Occupation: Incumbent/restaurateur

Issues: Continue emphasizing public safety; keep a tight rein on spending

Chris Steel

Age: 57

Occupation: Small-business owner, private investor

Issues: Try to evict undocumented immigrants from the city; eliminate 19th Street bridge proposal


(Three seats)

Del Davis

Age: 48

Occupation: Retired Navy officer

Issues: Wants to build community unity through town hall meetings; supports police and fire efforts

Nicholas Eighmy

Age: 55

Occupation: Printing company owner

Issues: Wants to spend less money on Lincoln Avenue redevelopment; opposes Planning Commission ballot measure B

Leo Friedland

Age: 67

Occupation: Administrative analyst

Issues: Dedicated to developing more recreational facilities and continuing redevelopment of Lincoln Avenue

Louis Giampapa

Age: 47

Occupation: Business representative

Issues: Maintain the police force; redevelopment on Wicker Drive

Susie Linde

Age: 41

Occupation: Regulatory compliance analyst

Issues: Increasing revenue by lobbying the state to keep a bigger share of property tax; increasing public safety

Frank McCoy Jr.

Age: 36

Occupation: Lieutenant, Long Beach Police Department

Issues: Expanding Cypress Police Department; expanding community policing efforts

Mike McGill

Age: 38

Occupation: Businessman

Issues: Maintain police staff and beginning to address city’s two aging fire stations; maintaining momentum of Lincoln Avenue redevelopment


Todd W. Seymore

Age: 38

Occupation: Businessman

Issues: Maintaining police force; favors redevelopment on Wicker Drive and Lincoln Avenue

Frann Shermet

Age: 59

Occupation: National coordinator for the U.S. Decathlon

Issues: Maintain public safety; continuing redevelopment of Lincoln Avenue

Lydia Sondhi

Age: 49

Occupation: College professor

Issues: Maintaining public safety; creating sound economic base for the city

Dana Point

(Three seats)

Joel Bishop

Age: 41

Occupation: Director of information technology

Issues: Seek sensible development on Headlands; no hotel on Strand Beach

Eric James

Age: 55

Occupation: Planning commissioner

Issues: Believes council should be more responsible and responsive; would seek cooperation with Headlands developer and quickly design mutually satisfying plan

Harold Kaufman

Age: 56

Occupation: Incumbent/settlement broker

Issues: Opposes airport at El Toro; supports making compromise plan between city and developer on Headlands future

Geoff Lachner

Age: 54

Occupation: Attorney

Issues: Opposes hotel on Headlands, would prefer an educational center and giving city chance to buy the land

Ingrid McGuire

Age: 66

Occupation: Member, South Coast Water District Board of Directors

Issues: Supports city’s Headlands Specific Plan, would appeal the judge’s recent ruling against the plan; opposes airport at El Toro

Robert Moore

Age: Declined to state

Occupation: Businessman

Issues: Continue fight against airport at El Toro; would work to ensure reasonable development of Headlands; believes in property owner’s rights and keeping as much open space as possible

Walter Neibauer

Age: 48

Occupation: Planning commissioner/businessman

Issues: Reducing water drainage pollution on public beaches by supporting merger of water districts; against hotel anywhere on Headlands, would work with the developer and maintain maximum open space


Robert F. Nichols

Age: 71

Occupation: Planning commissioner/attorney

Issues: Will work with Headlands owners and residents to develop mutually acceptable specific plan within parameters set by city; will encourage small harbor renovation

Raquel Olamendi

Age: 24

Occupation: Entrepreneur

Issues: Will work for a compromise on the Headlands and unity and civility among council members

Wayne Rayfield

Age: 64

Occupation: Retired engineer

Issues: Opposes hotel on Strand Beach; would preserve as much open space as possible on Headlands and would seek expert advice on storm-drain issue

Michael Winterhalter

Age: 37

Occupation: Senior manager, Ashland Chemical

Issues: Protect property rights of Headlands, Monarch Beach and Capistrano by the Sea developers, while making sure they build attractive, environmentally sensitive and economically feasible projects; opposes a hotel on Strands Beach

Fountain Valley

(Four seats)


(three seats)

Guy Carrozzo

Age: 66

Occupation: Incumbent

Issues: Public safety; provide more affordable housing for senior citizens and build a senior center

Laurann Cook

Age: 49

Occupation: Mayor

Issues: Maintain public safety; strengthen city’s economic base

John J. Collins

Age: 54

Occupation: Mayor pro tem, businessman

Issues: Strengthen public safety programs; neighborhood preservation

Marie Hulett

Age: 36

Occupation: Lieutenant with Orange County Animal Control

Issues: Increase community involvement in local government; ensure city lives up to motto, “A Nice Place to Live”;


Frank Perdicaro

Age: 32

Occupation: Software professional

Issues: Favors elimination of vehicle registration taxes; advocates passing fewer laws and repealing “unreasonable ordinances”


(one seat)

Larry R. Crandall

Age: 49

Occupation: Fountain Valley School District trustee, private investigator

Issues: Equip police and firefighters with state-of-the-art equipment; build a senior center

Jim Fournier

Age: 66

Occupation: Retired Coast Guard officer and congressional staff member

Issues: Make sure public safety forces have the best resources; pay attention to youth and senior citizen issues

Douglas Henry

Age: 37

Occupation: Data communications specialist

Issues: Annex unincorporated county islands within city limits


(Two seats; no statement filed by Bernhardt Arnold)

Don Bankhead

Age: 66

Occupation: Mayor; retired police captain

Issues: Maintain level of service, equipment and expansion of Police Department; maintenance and upkeep of city’s infrastructure on a scheduled basis

Jan M. Flory

Age: 54

Occupation: Attorney, incumbent

Issues: Stabilization of city revenues; ensuring $20-million bond is properly funded and library, park and downtown plaza projects are completed on time

Snow Hume

Age: 41

Occupation: Certified public accountant

Issues: Stop dishonest partisan maneuvering in the election; stop ‘wild spending decisions, such as the $20-million bond issue


Barbara Marr

Age: Declined to state

Occupation: Retired nurse

Issues: Favors voucher system for subsidized housing rather than tax-subsidized housing projects; opposes ‘unwholesome’ businesses

Pat Shuff

Age: 57

Occupation: Certified professional legal secretary

Issues: Opposes tax-subsidized rentals; maintaining and repairing city’s infrastructure, roads and sidewalks

Garden Grove

(Two seats)


Bruce Broadwater

Age: 59

Occupation: Deputy labor commissioner; incumbent

Issues: Wants city to work within its budget; more community policing

Al Snook

Age: 65

Occupation: Teacher/insurance salesman

Issues: Expanding minority business; work to balance budget


(Two seats)

Barbara Beatty

Age: 54

Occupation: Real estate saleswoman

Issues: Create positive educational environment; promote opportunities for homeowners and business developers and education

Bill Dalton

Age: 55

Occupation: Garden Grove police lieutenant for 26 years

Issues: Opposes police/fire service cuts and personnel reductions; supports gang and drug abuse awareness programs

Bob Dinsen

Age: 82

Occupation: Retired building contractor; incumbent

Issues: Considers himself a conservative who supports less government; wants to keep city service fees and taxes as low as possible

Bradley P. Knypstra

Age: 31

Occupation: Accountant/business attorney

Issues: Opposes new taxes; supports economic development

Mark Leyes

Age: 40

Occupation: Intergovernmental relations specialist, Orange County Water District; incumbent


Issues: Wants to develop and expand local tax base; supports redevelopment effort for downtown

S. ‘Tom’ Oh

Age: 38

Occupation: Computer business owner

Issues: Rehire 22 police officers who were laid off in 1996 due to cutbacks; improve financial support for teachers

Huntington Beach

(Four seats. Candidates Julie Devine and Tim Devine could not be reached)

Ralph H. Bauer

Age: 68

Occupation: Incumbent; retired chemist

Issues: Wants more and better retail enterprises; would enhance neighborhoods by providing more playing fields and fighting plan to put bridges across Santa Ana River

Bob Biddle

Age: 45

Occupation: Businessman, owns group tour company and clothing line company

Issues: Wants to find a balance between environment and development issues; focus on public safety and service issues

Connie Boardman

Age: 40

Occupation: Professor of biology, anatomy and physiology at Cerritos College

Issues: Would work to save Bolsa Chica Mesa from development; supports revitalization of Huntington Center and opposes allowing Wal-Mart to move onto abandoned Crest View school site

Shirley S. Dettloff

Age: 63

Occupation: Incumbent; publisher of educational materials

Issues: Wants master plan to support needs of city’s children and seniors; wants to raise ‘quality of life’ in the city by improving design standards for architecture and other environmental concerns


Thom Doney

Age: 36

Occupation: Vice principal of Liberty Christian School in Huntington Beach; reservist in U.S. Coast Guard

Issues: Believes he can give better representation to younger families ; supports private property rights and opposes bridges over Santa Ana River because it could hurt neighborhoods

Dave Garofalo

Age: 53

Occupation: Incumbent; publishes the Local News, a newspaper that reports only good news

Issues: Has pledged to build a youth sports complex and a senior center; wants to raise salaries of public safety employees to represent market rates

Peter M. Green

Age: 72

Occupation: Incumbent; professor of biology and ecology at Golden West College

Issues: Wants to protect California coastline; would continue to support public safety officers and business development

Diane Benge Lenning

Age: 51

Occupation: High school teacher

Issues: Wants to protect natural habitats and control development; wants better maintenance of streets and a better attitude toward business and tourism

Ben Ventresco

Age: 43

Occupation: Owns a retail business

Issues: Proposes low-cost plan to repair streets, sewer and water systems; supports instituting elections by district for better representation



(Mayor Christina L. Shea is un-opposed; two council seats)


Larry Agran

Age: 53

Occupation: Attorney/environmental activist

Issues: Stop El Toro airport; preserve Irvine’s open space

George M. Gallagher

Age: 37

Occupation: Biotechnology project manager

Issues: Anti-airport and supports implementation of Millennium Plan; protect open-space agreement

Don Irvine

Age: 47

Occupation: Retired Los Angeles Police Department lieutenant; Irvine Unified School District substitute teacher

Issues: Anti-airport and anti-stadium; supports city establishing its own fire department

Ned E. Kassouf

Age: 76

Occupation: Unpaid president, charitable foundation

Issues: Anti-airport and supports Millennium Plan; would take only $1 per year as council salary

Carolyn McInerney

Age: 45

Occupation: Executive assistant to O.C. Supervisor Tom Wilson

Issues: Anti-airport, though she would like region to solve long-term air travel dilemma; protect open-space agreement in Northwood and Turtle Rock areas

Savvas Roditis

Age: 49

Occupation: Businessman

Issues: Supports international airport at El Toro because of city’s and county’s growth; does not favor a stadium or convention center unless they are privately funded

Greg Smith

Age: 49

Occupation: Business owner/incumbent

Issues: Anti-airport; anti-Musick jail expansion

Jack Wu

Age: 28

Occupation: Bookkeeper

Issues: Anti-airport; supports preservation of open space

La Habra

(Two seats)

Rose Espinoza

Age: 46

Occupation: Electrical/mechanical computer-assisted drafting designer

Issues: Revitalizing La Habra Boulevard by working closely with the businesses; continuing to reduce crime in the neighborhoods


Jephthah Holley

Age: 21

Occupation: Bank teller

Issues: Redeveloping La Habra Boulevard; lowering the 6% utility tax

Lynton Hurdle

Age: 42

Occupation: Business owner

Issues: Improving public safety by keeping adult businesses out of the city; maintaining standards in economic development by limiting business growth

Merciline La Porte

Age: Older than 65

Occupation: Homemaker

Issues: Repealing the utility tax; leaving redevelopment up to individual business owners, such as those on La Habra Boulevard

Dorothy Rush

Age: 64

Occupation: Mayor, homemaker

Issues: Continuing city’s redevelopment and economic development; maintaining a ‘people-friendly’ City Council

G. Steve Simonian

Age: 53

Occupation: Retired Montebello police chief, incumbent

Issues: Revitalizing La Habra Boulevard; continuing to recruit ‘quality’ businesses

La Palma

(Two seats)

Lauree E. Aragona

Age: 52

Occupation: Retired quality and risk manager in health care industry

Issues: Improve La Palma’s image by doing more to maintain streets and infrastructure; keep police and fire services a high priority in budget

Kenneth A. Blake

Age: 51

Occupation: Controller for construction equipment rental company; incumbent

Issues: Maintain police and fire protection; attract more business to city to help maintain city services

Sharon Gutjahr

Age: 52

Occupation: Secretary, Kennedy High School

Issues: Maintain police and fire services; improve code enforcement to keep property values high


Garrett Scott Wada

Age: 34

Occupation: Eye doctor

Issues: Maintain level of police services; wants better code enforcement on dilapidated houses

Laguna Beach

(Three seats)

Wayne Baglin

Age: 55

Occupation: Incumbent

Issues: Improve water quality and stop all sewage spills by continuing improvements to city sewer system; continue support and oversight of county improvements to Laguna Canyon Road

David Connell

Age: 70

Occupation: Retired aerospace consultant

Issues: City should be more efficient and less intrusive, rolling back restrictions on businesses and property owners; city should be more concerned about effects of overgrown vegetation on views and potential safety hazards from fire and falling limbs

Steve Dicterow

Age: 43

Occupation: Incumbent

Issues: Continue improvements made to city’s infrastructure and fire and police coverage; engage public in creating a comprehensive vision plan for city’s long-term future

Paul Freeman

Age: 44

Occupation: Incumbent

Issues: Continue city’s efforts against proposed commercial effort at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station; maintain quality of life for residents by increasing conveniences for them and reducing congestion from tourists

Toni Iseman

Age: 53

Occupation: Teacher and counselor, Orange Coast College

Issues: Fight proposed El Toro airport and create regional plan to do so; improve water quality and force inland developers to pay for toxic runoff that pollutes Laguna Beach


Laguna Niguel

(Two seats)

Joe Brown

Age: 71

Occupation: Anti-airport activist

Issues: Opposes airport at El Toro; favors developing a long-term plan to reduce crime

Greg Cox

Age: 50

Occupation: Small-business owner

Issues: Develop a city charter; add unlighted, youth sports fields

Cathryn DeYoung

Age: 42

Occupation: Planning commissioner

Issues: Opposes El Toro airport; add youth sports fields

Vito Ferlauto

Age: 58

Occupation: Retired captain, Orange County Sheriff’s Department

Issues: Opposes El Toro airport; improve police services

Carl Gelbart

Age: 41

Occupation: Information technology professional

Issues: Opposes El Toro airport; stimulate economic growth for redevelopment along freeway

Leni Gillis

Age: Declined to state

Occupation: Business communications professor emeritus

Issues: Opposes El Toro airport; preservation of open space

Eddie Rose

Age: 60

Occupation: Imcumbent

Issues: Opposes El Toro airport; preservation of remaining open space

Ira Schaffer

Age: 40

Occupation: Computer education teacher

Issues: Opposes El Toro airport; supports reasonable expansion of parks and youth sports fields

Lake Forest

(Three seats)

David L. Carter

Age: 50

Occupation: Systems consultant

Issues: Opposes an airport at El Toro; opposes expansion of Musick jail

Richard T. Dixon

Age: 50

Occupation: Businessman, incumbent

Issues: Opposes an airport at El Toro; opposes jail expansion at Musick

Peter Herzog

Age: 43

Occupation: Attorney, incumbent

Issues: Opposes an airport at El Toro; opposes jail expansion at Musick

Kathryn McCullough

Age: 55

Occupation: Executive director of nonprofit organization, incumbent

Issues: Opposes an airport at El Toro; opposes jail expansion at Musick

Los Alamitos

(Three seats)

Arthur DeBolt

Age: 50

Occupation: Real estate broker

Issues: Says City Council should better reflect the opinions of residents on school board issues, namely the planned relocation of the Orange County High School of the Arts to Bloomfield Street; maintain identity and character of the city and avoid jumping into the real estate development business

Alice Jempsa

Age: Declined to state

Occupation: Educator; incumbent

Issues: Recover funds state has taken from city’s budget; improve safety on residential roads and increase traffic flow in the business district

Marilynn M. Poe

Age: 57

Occupation: Incumbent

Issues: Provide ‘strict police services’; pursue economic development

Robert P. Wahlstrom

Age: 65

Occupation: Purchasing director for a national restaurant company; incumbent

Issues: Economic development; continue effectiveness of police department

Mission Viejo

(Three seats)

Sherri M. Butterfield

Age: 58

Occupation: Businesswoman; incumbent

Issues: Opposes commercial airport at El Toro; development and traffic issues related to eastern communities

Joe R. Chavez

Age: 61

Occupation: Senior programmer analyst

Issues: Opposes city support of the Vigilantes, mall redevelopment and the Kaleidoscope Entertainment Center; seeks stronger term limits

John Paul Ledesma

Age: 30

Occupation: Industry analyst, market research

Issues: Opposes airport at El Toro; opposes council’s use of redevelopment funds

Dale A. Sandore

Age: 56

Occupation: Retail businessman

Issues: Opposes airport at El Toro; opposes any public money being spent for private development


Lawrence H. Smith

Age: 56

Occupation: Incumbent; Mortgage banker

Issues: Opposes airport at El Toro; development and traffic issues relating to eastern communities

Elisia Tabatzky

Age: 34

Occupation: Computer network engineer

Issues: More support for fire and police services; infrastructure maintenance, especially roads

Susan Withrow

Age: 43

Occupation: Incumbent

Issues: Opposes airport at El Toro; continue to enhance city reserves without raising taxes

Newport Beach

(Four seats; Norma Glover and Dennis D. O’Neil are running unopposed in Districts 3 and 6, respectively:


(Balboa Peninsula--One seat)

Michael Kranzley

Age: 46

Occupation: Stockbroker

Issues: Says city should continue support for airport at El Toro and negotiate extension of John Wayne Airport noise-reduction agreement; revitalize struggling neighborhoods, such as Balboa Village

Leonard Miller

Age: 69

Occupation: Insurance broker

Issues: Favors airport at El Toro, but more because Orange County needs world access than because of local noise problem; opposes Irvine Ranch Water District practice of releasing treated sewer water into harbor


Tod Ridgeway

Age: 53

Occupation: Asset manager

Issues: Tackle infrastructure repairs and improvements, such as road maintenance and placement of utilities underground; continue support for airport at El Toro


(Eastbluff/Dover Shores--One seat)

Gary Adams

Age: 43

Occupation: Transportation engineer

Issues: Continue Newport Beach’s leadership role in support of El Toro airport; maintain proper balance between resident and business concerns throughout city, particularly where businesses and homes intermingle

Ron Winship

Age: 56

Occupation: Actor

Issues: Says city should annex Newport Coast, Santa Ana Heights, Banning property and John Wayne Airport by 2002; compromise with South Orange County and have all private aircraft and air cargo fly out of an El Toro airport, and keep passenger flights at John Wayne Airport


(Mayor; two council seats)


Michael Alvarez

Age: 42

Occupation: City councilman; heads family-owned corporation and commercial real estate business

Issues: Wants to foster better relationship between city and school district; wants to pay more attention to city growth and need to maintain public areas such as streets, curbs and sidewalks

Joanne Coontz

Age: 69

Occupation: Incumbent; retired from various corporate positions

Issues: Would continue to focus on public safety; wants to support business community by seeking more economic development


Juan Pablo


Age: 59

Occupation: Environmentalist; retired housekeeper

Issues: Wants to turn city gardens over to cultivation and distribution of marijuana for the physical and spiritual well-being of residents; would merge police and fire departments to make them more efficient, less costly and less influential over policy


Mark A. Murphy

Age: 41

Occupation: Incumbent; account manager at Hewlett-Packard Co.

Issues: Wants to continue to focus resources on public safety; wants to make sure development of eastern Orange is balanced and done with care and attention

Richard W. Siebert

Age: 55

Occupation: Pharmacist who owns his own store

Issues: Would give strong support to police and firefighters and make sure services do not diminish as city spreads eastward; disagreed with firing of former Police Chief John R. Robertson and would not have extended contract for City Manager David L. Rudat

Dan Slater

Age: 39

Occupation: Incumbent; residential real estate sales

Issues: Wants to continue crime reduction, improve neighborhood problems and preserve open space and recreational land; wants full disclosure and reform with regard to trash and recycling services and wants new police chief to have same qualities as former Chief Robertson

Jim Wronski

Age: 51

Occupation: Owns recumbent bicycle store in the city

Issues: Wants to make city more accessible to residents and to keep City Hall open 5 1/2 days per week; would cancel extra charges such as the paramedic subscription fee


(Two seats)

Norman Z. Eckenrode

Age: 60

Occupation: Shakey’s Pizza restaurant owner; incumbent

Issues: Supports lowering the railroad along Orangethorpe Avenue to ensure safety and protect the environment; supports ground-water replenishment through the Orange County Reclamation Project to deliver treated water to the city’s 200,000 families in effort to lower costs


Jim Fenstermaker

Age: 49

Occupation: Medical group vice president

Issues: Ensure council represents everyone and all city areas equally and hold council responsible for every tax dollar collected and spent; ensure the best use of remaining undeveloped land in city

John G. Hoevers

Age: 38

Occupation: General manager

Issues: Supports eliminating city’s utility tax; supports hiring additional police officers to meet city’s growth

Chris A. Lowe

Age: 28

Occupation: Real estate associate

Issues: Protect city schools from crime, including drugs and gangs; supports zero tolerance for gang activity and wants to develop intervention programs for youth outreach activities

Kenneth S. Luna Sr.

Age: 31

Occupation: Corporate security specialist

Issues: Supports reducing utility tax; wants to lower the railroad to eliminate traffic congestion and increase safety and opposes building railroad overpasses or underpasses

Patrick J. Melia

Age: 62

Occupation: Retired

Issues: Supports railroad lowering project and its completion to eliminate safety concerns and delays for motorists; supports working with educators to make sure education continues to improve

San Clemente

(Three seats. Candidates John P. Robinson and Keith R. Trezek could not be reached for comment.)


Mary Anna Anderson

Age: 55

Occupation: Community volunteer; housewife

Issues: More neighborhood forums and public hearings; unite city groups and pursue “positive focus for our future”

Ray L. Benedicktus

Age: 78

Occupation: Retired engineer

Issues: Supports a resort on Marblehead coastal property; opposes any beach trail; seeks to preserve and restore Casa Romantica for cultural use

Carol A. Bonner

Age: 53

Occupation: Former city volunteer services manager

Issues: Working with local merchants; preserving historical structures and revitalizing older commercial areas

Scott Diehl

Age: 48

Occupation: Veterinarian

Issues: Balancing development to get adequate revenue for city; use past council experience to bring balance and perspective to big issues

G. Wayne Eggleston

Age: 52

Occupation: Executive director, Heritage Foundation of San Clemente

Issues: Favors cultural center in Casa Romantica and resort for Marblehead property; opposed to a beach trail

Kevin T. Evans

Age: 45

Occupation: Municipal recreation superintendent, city of Dana Point

Issues: Opposed to putting the proposed Forester Ranch sports park anywhere other than in Forester Ranch; opposed to any beach trail plan


Michelle K. Gillen

Age: 39

Occupation: Teacher

Issues: Favors working with Talega developers to establish an additional high school; opposes toll roads in the city; opposes beach trail or sea wall

Gary R. Hartung

Age: 47

Occupation: Home builder

Issues: Favors end to wasteful spending; working to make the railroad tracks along the beach as safe as possible as quickly as possible; opposed to Marblehead development plan

Dan Hensley

Age: 31

Occupation: Clerk at Ralphs and Sav-On Drugs

Issues: Favors more youth activities; favors donating Casa Romantica to city Historical Society or selling it to San Clemente Heritage Foundation

John Koch

Age: 67

Occupation: Semiretired business consultant

Issues: Support neighborhoods through strong code and law enforcement; balance business and residential growth in the city; opposed to a beach trail in any form

Paul H. Linden

Age: 60

Occupation: Retired golf course manager

Issues: Opposes proposed beach trail, favors keeping proposed Forester Ranch sports center in Forester Ranch by raising funds to do so

Thomas L. Padberg

Age: 64

Occupation: Retired businessman

Issues: Opposes any kind of beach trail; opposes the Lusk, Inc. plan for Marblehead

Susan Ritschel

Age: 37

Occupation: Businesswoman

Issues: Favors ensuring city’s balanced growth and financial stability by improving the tax base; making preservation of city’s beaches a top priority


Santa Ana

(Three seats; Lisa Bist is running unopposed in Ward 2)


Alberta Dolores Christy

Age: 53

Occupation: Business banking officer

Issues: More community-based policing; improve streets and infrastructure

Jose J. Fernandez

Age: 31

Occupation: Tool business owner

Issues: Develop more youth programs; streamline city budget

Zeke Hernandez

Age: 52

Occupation: Association president/businessman

Issues: Balance city budget; more support for police and fire


Claudia C. Alvarez

Age: 29

Occupation: Attorney

Issues: Cut crime; encourage economic development

Patricia A. McGuigan

Age: 64

Occupation: Incumbent/homemaker

Issues: Continued crime reduction; economic development


(Two seats)

Lou Bone

Age: 61

Occupation: Business owner

Issues: Ensure successful redevelopment of Tustin Marine Corps Air Facility, extend Newport Avenue to Edinger Avenue and fund Red Hill Avenue overcrossing at the railroad tracks

Mike Doyle

Age: 56

Occupation: Incumbent; restaurant owner

Issues: Redevelopment, including southwest Tustin and Old Town; oversee successful base closure with at least one blimp hangar becoming the world’s largest movie soundstage

S. Scott Webster

Age: 37

Occupation: Systems project manager

Issues: Redevelopment and revitalization of Old Town; oversee successful base reuse

Tracy Wills Worley

Age: 39

Occupation: Incumbent

Issues: Oversee successful base reuse; seek new or expanded library branch

Villa Park

(Three seats)

Bob Bell

Age: 64

Occupation: Incumbent; real estate broker

Issues: Ensure fiscal responsibility by guarding the city’s resources; protect and maintain the city’s inexpensive water supply

Denise Bittel

Age: 38

Occupation: Legal administrator

Issues: Is concerned about the influence of other cities and wants to protect the qualities of Villa Park for young families and upcoming generations

Bill Dougherty

Age: 74

Occupation: Retired Marine colonel and semi-retired lawyer

Issues: Keep city’s status quo as a rural community; keep traffic out of the city and maintain it as a crime-free community

Robert E. McGowan

Age: 62

Occupation: Retired airline captain; former mayor

Issues: Supports conversion of El Toro into a commercial airport; restore independence to community access cable television channel


Russell Patterson

Age: 53

Occupation: Contractor

Issues: Listen and consider citizens’ input before making decisions; to ensure the El Toro airport plan does not adversely affect Villa Park

William P. Zakowicz Jr.

Age: 68

Occupation: Retired aerospace manager

Issues: Ensure a safe environment for residents, including children and their pets, and to find a solution to coyote problem


(Four candidates for mayor; a fifth, City Councilwoman Marge Shillington, has dropped out of the race; two council seats)


Frank Fry Jr.

Age: 73

Occupation: Incumbent; retired grocery manager

Issues: Opposes privatization of water system; favors cultural arts center but thinks latest building estimates are too high

Joy L. Neugebauer

Age: 70

Occupation: Councilwoman; executive director, Westminster Museum; ran tool company for 37 years before selling in 1992

Issues: Wants to improve infrastructure by studying how water revenue is used and possibly using more of it for system improvements; opposes water privatization


Chuyen Nguyen

Age: 49

Occupation: Marketing consultant

Issues: Wants to make city safer, cleaner, more beautiful

John G. Stupar

Age: 50

Occupation: Business ethics professor

Issues: Favors privatizing water system; wants to run city like a business


Robert Crossley

Age: 62

Occupation: Retired manager for U.S. Air Force aerospace contracts (civilian)

Issues: Opposes building a community cultural center; wants to get residents more involved with governing process by scheduling town hall-style meetings

Tony Lam

Age: 62

Occupation: Incumbent; restaurant owner

Issues: Wants to bring more business to city; supports privatizing water system

Dancharles Maka’ena

Age: 51

Occupation: Advertising manager, printing company

Issues: Wants city to put more work into improving infrastructure; wants to attract and retain more business

Kermit Marsh

Age: 33

Occupation: Attorney

Issues: Wants to increase size of police force; opposes full privatization of water system, would consider limited public-private partnership

Garth Murrin

Age: 38

Occupation: Computer telecommunications engineer

Issues: Wants to see taxpayer money spent more efficiently on infrastructure; wants to build bridges to the Vietnamese community

Duoc Tan Nguyen

Age: 54

Occupation: Runs business in Little Saigon, which provides services for immigration, notary and faxing

Issues: Wants to make Little Saigon more attractive to tourists; hopes to simplify regulations for small-business owners


Margie L. Rice

Age: 69

Occupation: Incumbent; retired, worked in beauty shop and sales

Issues: Wants to improve water infrastructure by dedicating funds from the utilities tax directly to water department; opposes water system privatization

Helena Rutowski

Age: 61

Occupation: Member, Westminster School District Board of Trustees

Issues: Favors privatizing water system to improve infrastructure; wants to see a cultural arts center built

Yorba Linda

(Two seats)

Allen M. Castellano

Age: 27

Occupation: Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy

Issues: Favors widening Imperial Highway; thinks Shell housing project has the proper density and will benefit the city

Thomas A. Foss

Age: 45

Occupation: Builder of transmitters and other communications sites

Issues: Supports expansion of Friends Church; favors improvements to Imperial Highway, but not current widening plan

Richard J. Freeman

Age: 57

Occupation: Newspaper columnist and retired optometrist

Issues: Agrees Imperial Highway needs work but will accept however residents vote on Measure J; opposes Shell project

John M. Gullixson

Age: 50

Occupation: Incumbent

Issues: Favors completion of major road improvements planned for the city, including Imperial Highway widening; favors keeping Brea police as the city’s law enforcement agency


Jack Parra

Age: 50

Occupation: Anaheim police lieutenant

Issues: Development should be responsible and well-planned; believes Imperial Highway expansion may harm Old Towne

Gene Wisner

Age: 64

Occupation: Incumbent

Issues: Believes Imperial Highway widening must go forward; favors Shell development because its overall density is within city guidelines and because it will add a school, park and golf course to the city
