
Nasty, Fun ‘Little Foxes’

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For the first time ever in Southern California, Lillian Hellman’s “The Little Foxes” and its lesser-known prequel “Another Part of the Forest” are being produced in repertory, at Glendale’s A Noise Within.

And what a business these “foxes” conduct. Hellman’s grasping siblings, fighting over shares of a proposed sweatshop in Alabama at the turn of the last century, are still nasty, still entertaining.

In “Little Foxes,” Deborah Strang’s Regina, at first a vivacious hostess, later unsheathes her claws with quiet command.


Geoff Elliott, who co-directed with Julia Rodriguez Elliott, plays Ben, perhaps not as old and rotund as some Bens, but with the requisite craftiness and sense of humor.

Stephen Rockwell’s Oscar is a frowning worrywart who’s downright menacing with his wife Birdie--a perfect role for Jill Hill’s high, breathy voice and fluttery presence.

Robertson Dean’s soulful eyes suggest what Regina saw in her now-ailing husband so many years ago. Peter Dillard’s Leo is an amusing, juvenile goof-off.


Jennifer Erin Roberts seems a bit too mature as Regina’s daughter, but maybe that quality will serve her well as the younger Regina in the prequel (Rockwell and Geoff Elliott will play the same roles, and Strang will play Regina’s mother).

Roger Kern’s Yankee visitor is a sharp cameo, and Niambi Williams and Charls Sedgwick Hall strike the right tone as the servants. Rick Ortenblad’s set and Angela Balogh Calin’s costumes illustrate the upside of all that greed.


* “The Little Foxes,” A Noise Within, 234 S. Brand Blvd., Glendale. 2 and 8 p.m. today, 7 p.m. Sunday, 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20 and 28, 2 p.m. Nov. 15, 21 and 29. $24-$28. Ends Nov. 29. (818) 546-1924.
