
City Moves to Limit Gun Purchases to One a Month

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City Councilman Michael Feuer filed a motion Tuesday to limit purchases of handguns from gun shops in the city to one per customer per month.

“Gun violence is obviously a scourge in our communities, and one of the keys to preventing gun violence is keeping the weapons out of the hands of criminals,” said Feuer.

Although federal laws require gun shops to report multiple sales, gun buyers can buy as many guns as they want at one time. LAPD detectives believe that up to a third of guns recovered from crimes are purchased by “straw buyers” who supply third parties.


The motion is opposed by the National Rifle Assn. There are already mechanisms in the law to curb illegal gun sales, said Ed Worley of the NRA.

The motion requests police and legislative analysts to return to the council in 30 days with a proposal for an ordinance.
