
Sheriff’s Dept.

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I am not comfortable with the idea that the sheriff’s top staff became unqualified because they were supporters of their boss, Sherman Block (Nov. 20). And I’m not sure that the most qualified successors are those who were the most vocal of Lee Baca’s supporters during the election.

Some changes in personnel might be desirable to redirect effort to clear up problems, but the changes should be made on the basis of real qualifications.

FRANK GIFT, Rancho Palos Verdes


I was saddened to read about the bloodletting to occur under the newly elected Los Angeles County sheriff. I don’t know all the victims but I am well acquainted with Assistant Sheriff Mike Graham.


We worked together when he was a young sergeant and I was with the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. Along with several other young deputies, we developed basic training standards for California law enforcement officers. Mike was the epitome of the new professional cop. Mike is the victim of the anachronistic practice of electing sheriffs, who get elected more on their political acumen and promises than on executive ability.

