
They’re Starting to Come Around to T.J.’s Thinking


Well, not all of us have the all-knowing clairvoyance T.J. Simers seems to possess, but I wish I did. He must be the most educated man ever to cover the NFL. He makes all of the right calls, and never errs in his decisions. Best of all, he never reports with a biased opinion.

OK, that was sarcasm.



Re: “Carolina Caper Has Another Villain,” by T.J. Simers:

This is the first time I have read anything by Simers that even resembles an understanding of football and people and sports. I have to applaud him for taking another look at this merry-go-round of sports icons we have built . . . and in fact now find myself rethinking my opinion of him.

He is always so negative, but perhaps there is a method to his madness--like pointing out that the emperor’s new clothes were not designed by Donna Karan or Calvin Klein. I am starting to see him as a whistle blower on this sports universe that we have built up and worship like the golden calf.


LARRY JAFFE, Los Angeles


Enough is enough, already, about T.J. Simers.

Simers is, without a doubt, the most refreshing writer on the pro football scene today. He writes the truth about an inferior product and is not intimidated by the powers that be. How many years did he say the Lions’ Scott Mitchell was the most overrated QB around? Apparently, Bobby Ross finally got it and Mitchell is now third string.

Keep it up, T.J. Your columns on the NFL are a great deal more interesting than the games they play.

RAY MARIN, Los Angeles
