
CSUCI and Academic Rigor


Re “CSUCI Rushes Toward Reality but What Are We Really Getting?” Sept. 6.

Stanislaus Pulle has a point regarding the capabilities provided at some institutions. Unfortunately, some of the community colleges are already burdened with correcting the lack of proper academic foundation in high school graduates. This should not be the main task for the community colleges. The state universities and colleges are not intended as the place for remedial training.

If this county needs a state university, that institution should provide adequate quality education with scientific and professional oriented instruction for local residents. This community deserves substance, not form; a real facility rather than a “bone tossed to quiet the community.”

Another facility that serves as a holding tank for four years at taxpayers’ expense and delivers graduates with limited modern knowledge and training is not the answer. These graduates cannot adequately serve as teachers and are neither a bargain nor benefit to this community.


The education lobby continues to ask for, and receive from California taxpayers, enormous sums of money but appears to deliver little on a cost-effective basis. When challenged as to performance, this lobby can always find a member to attack those who question their motives, intentions or performance. Maybe it is time to ensure a proper and well-developed plan prior to jumping on a bandwagon and tossing more money at “good intentions.”

