
Harvard Park Target for Skating Area

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City officials are eyeing Harvard Park for a skating area but will have meetings with nearby residents before moving forward.

City Council members recently rejected a proposal to build a skate park at the city corporation yard off Oak Canyon and Sand Canyon roads, calling the site too remote.

Support remains high for a skate park in the city, officials and residents said.

“The community has waited a year and a half,” Councilman Dave Christensen said. “I don’t want them to have to wait another year and a half.”


One park plan, known as the Huntington Beach model, would cost the city about $17,200 to start. The unsupervised park would cost the city about $42,808 annually to operate.

A second option under consideration would include supervision and carry about $29,000 in start-up costs, with an annual price tag of about $90,000.

Mayor Christina Shea asked for a final proposal within a month.

Community meetings will follow, including sessions for residents of Walnut Village off Walnut and Harvard avenues, the neighborhood closest to the proposed Harvard Park site.
