
What About the Author?


In the profile of director Doug Liman (“All Systems Are ‘Go,’ ” by John Clark, April 7), much space is devoted to the script of his new movie, “Go.” We learn that it has an unconventional structure, “interlocking stories and a narrative that loops back on itself.” We learn that Liman battled studio executives and lawyers over proposed changes to the script, changes that Liman said threatened to make it “generic.” We even get a few lines from the script, examples of what the studio wanted to cut. What we don’t learn, because it appears nowhere in an article of some 1,200 words, is the name of the guy who actually wrote the script. (I looked it up on the Internet; his name is John August.)

The Times has printed about a billion articles on the Getty Center in the past few years, and in each one you somehow manage to squeeze in the fact that it was designed by Richard Meier--so how about giving the same respect to the architect of a movie?


Los Angeles
