
Granada Hills Shootings


Re the shootings in Granada Hills on Tuesday: Isn’t it time we draw the line somewhere on these senseless mass shootings? Isn’t it time for the people who are supposed to represent us in Congress to do something other than suggest we post the Ten Commandments at school, when they know full well this was already declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court?

Isn’t it time for the responsible members of the NRA to be part of the solution to this national problem rather than always reflexly being part of the problem? The NRA would increase its credibility and standing immensely by doing this.

And, at a time when it is the fad for people to criticize and sue the Police Department, shouldn’t we be giving these heroes their due respect? Within minutes of the tragic shootings in Granada Hills, the police, SWAT teams, detectives and the ATF, in addition to firemen and paramedics, were on the spot. Without them, how much worse might this all have been?



Newport Beach


I’m ready for a vote to repeal the 2nd Amendment.



After watching yet another horrific shooting episode, this time even closer to home than I care to think about, here is a memo to the Republican Party and George W. Bush: Forget the tax cuts and all other issues. It’s the guns, stupid. This thought alone will inform my vote.




How much more do we need to get effective gun control in this country? What other areas will these jackals with high-tech weapons go? Churches? Airports? TV newsrooms? Tell you what. If nothing will be done about the Granada Hills shooting spree, let’s change the name United States of America to Dodge City. Why not?

Please, Al Gore, take note. You have to know that the more we pander to industries that profit on even imaginary violence, the more we’re going to have these copycat, cowardly killings. The media may lose in the long run because frankly most of us are just sick and tired of reading, seeing and hearing about this horror with nothing significant being done.




I’d like to build a huge smelter and set it up on the end of the Huntington Beach pier. Then you all bring me all your guns to throw into the smelter. What fun we’ll have watching them melt down into a bubbly mess--maybe to remake into toys and bicycles. Useful stuff instead of trash. Then we could watch the sunset and think how beautiful life can be.

If John Lennon were alive he might write another verse of “Imagine,” with the idea of removing killer guns from society. Wonder why he isn’t around anymore? And thousands and thousands and thousands of other good people, most of whom were greatly loved?

And still the murder and mayhem continue and our Congress does nothing.


Huntington Beach
