
School Site


* As an employee of Robinsons-May, I am deeply concerned about possible relocation if a school were built on our current site.

I, along with many other employees, chose to buy or rent with our current location in mind. Relocation would be disruptive and expensive or, at the least, make for a longer commute to work. Speaking for myself and many others who work in this location, I am asking that the proposal to acquire Laurel Plaza as a school site be reconsidered.

I am sure there are other alternatives that would serve the purpose without the negative impact to so many people who work here.



North Hollywood

* Day after day, week after week, I read letters from middle-class NIMBYs whining about schools being built in their neighborhoods. They’ve got the lamest, most self-centered excuses as to why the Los Angeles Unified School District shouldn’t proceed with plans to build some school. Listen people, the area needs more schools. Schools are overcrowded right now. In addition, legal residents continue to reproduce at a rate entirely inconsistent with the world’s overpopulation problem and hundreds of thousands of illegals stream into Southern California bringing their kids and having more when they get here.

I think the school board should immediately get very familiar with eminent domain laws and proceed posthaste to take whatever land they need, wherever they need it, for new schools. If the public wants children, it had better want new schools too. The only other choice is to start whining 10 years from now because the state needs to build more prisons in your neighborhood.


Canoga Park
