
Sheriff Carona Has an Image Problem


* Re “Decal-ing All Cars: Sheriff Is at the Door,” Dec. 3:

Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona’s consideration that his name be put on the department’s patrol cars has some merit.

While he’s at it he should have his picture placed on each of the car’s rear door windows with a caveat to his deputies that they can’t roll the windows down.

He should also place his home telephone number on the trunk of each car. That will surely enhance community feedback and exchange ideas.


Another thought for self-glorification would be to fly a banner behind each helicopter with a line that reads: “This pursuit is brought to you by Sheriff Mike Carona” or “This fly-over patrol is brought to you by Sheriff Mike Carona.



* Placing Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona’s name on Sheriff Department vehicles has nothing to do with updating the appearance of patrol cars. Rather, it has everything to do with the sheriff’s political ambitions.

Carona has no desire to be sheriff one day longer than necessary to develop the visibility necessary for a run at higher office.

Placing his name on patrol cars, visible all over the county, is nothing more than a taxpayer-supported advertising campaign.



* Some random musing while writing my check for property taxes:

If the sheriff wants to have his name on vehicles (that we taxpayers buy), my suggestion would be for him to buy bumper stickers and distribute them during his reelection campaign like other politicians.

If in fact we need to paint someone’s name on public vehicles, why not draw one lucky resident to have his or her name emblazoned on the cruiser? Or better yet, commemorate the memory of the officers who have given their lives protecting Orange County.



Coto de Caza
