
Impeachment Witnesses

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So let me get this straight: After six years of investigations, $40 million of taxpayers’ money, 60,000 pages of testimony and untold anguish to, among others, the Hubbell, McDougal, Lewinsky, Jordan, Blumenthal and Currie families, the impeachment of the president still rests on whether Ken Starr and the House managers can exert enough pressure to make three witnesses change their previously sworn statements? And the Republicans wonder why they’re so unpopular. Well, duh!




Sen. Russell D. Feingold (D-Wis.) is a man of honor (Jan. 28), while 44 other Democrats marched in partisan lock step, refusing to even consider that the president’s “misleading statements” under oath and his obstruction of justice efforts should in any way be considered as violations of his oath of office.

The lack of a two-thirds majority should not be considered a victory for the White House. The Democrats refuse to acknowledge that the president could ever commit any illegal act, no matter what proof is offered, and that in their eyes the rule of law has been replaced by poll results.



Redondo Beach


After viewing some of the trial of the president, I will not vote for any Democrat in future elections. Bill Clinton disgraced his presidency, made our country the laughingstock of the world and should be punished accordingly. I would be.


Granada Hills


I can’t imagine why the Democrats in the Senate bother to dignify the so-called “trial” of the president with their active participation. They should sit back with the rest of us and enjoy the Republicans’ self-demolition derby. After it’s all over, when no Republican is left standing (or the GOP has lost all political standing), they can vote.


