
Appreciating the Work, Mourning the Death of Critic Gene Siskel

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I began receiving the calls Saturday night around 10 p.m. My friends knew how upset I’d be; they knew how I, the great movie fanatic, revered film critic Gene Siskel.

Through the years, I enjoyed watching Siskel and Roger Ebert’s relationship evolve from being brittle rivals to being openly affectionate friends. Ultimately, that’s what I considered Gene Siskel: a friend. A movie buddy.

The greatest service S&E; have performed all these years has been not simply to inform us, but to actually make the movies better. Roger and Gene have been relentless in pounding the drum for movies to be better, smarter, more honest and more imaginative. They regularly single out up-and-coming actors, writers and directors and help them get the attention they deserve. They even regularly challenged the motion picture academy to consider dark-horse artists for Oscar nominations. I feel certain they were at least partly responsible for James Cromwell’s supporting actor nomination for “Babe.”


Why did I consider Siskel a friend? Because he did what friends do: He shared. Shared his love for the movies and his desire for movies to be better. And in doing so, he actually did make them better.

What more could a friend do?


Los Angeles


As someone whose better half is an academy member, I will always be grateful to Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert for urging academy members to make a true effort to see as many films as they can when making their nominations.

We need people with Siskel’s insight and determination to help remember why we love film so much. His light shown far. He truly loved the art and the craft of filmmaking.



Canoga Park


It is the passing of an era, a loss akin to Abbott losing Costello or Laurel losing Hardy: irreplaceable. The show must go on. Gene would want it to.




To Gene Siskel, wherever you are, I hope you can, in all peace, give it an eternal “thumbs up.” You will be missed.


Granada Hills
