
Suits Against L.A. Over Maintenance


Thank you for “Crumbling Sidewalks, Roads Mean Costly Suits” (Jan. 24). Someday a smart attorney will put together a class-action lawsuit that may get the attention of our “head-in-the-sand council” (especially liked the “let’s throw money at the squeaky wheels and maybe the whole problem will go away” attitude). Even Mr. Magoo could see the potential lawsuits just waiting to happen against our city.

Road rage seems to be a new phenomenon. I would like to suggest that roadways that are beginning to resemble Third World back alleys and two-mile-long daily gridlocks on major roadways, like Sunset Boulevard west of the 405, could be contributing factors.

There seems to be a “knee-jerk” mentality in regard to the major means of transportation, which affects every facet of our lives and livelihoods. Our past councilman placed his priorities on bicycle paths. Perhaps we should now move ahead into the 21st century.



Los Angeles


I couldn’t help contrasting the attitude of the L.A. City Council toward sidewalk repairs to its attitude toward private property owners. Under the new universal inspection ordinance, all 750,000 apartments are to be inspected for such things as worn carpets or leaking faucets. Should the property owner fail to promptly make repairs, the penalty is $1,000 per day or six months in prison. Yet they refuse to authorize needed street and sidewalk repairs.


Los Angeles
