


All’s Fair in Politics: Bob Kerrey endorsed Bill Bradley, not Al Gore. “The usually wooden Gore said he wasn’t hurt but that he did develop a knot in his throat.” (Kenny Noble Cortes)

Off the Campaign Trail: A 25-year-old woman surprised her doctors by giving birth to a healthy set of twins just days after awakening from a three-month-long coma. “That’s nothing--Al Gore is running for president and he’s yet to awaken from his.” (Daily Scoop)

Way Off the Campaign Trail: President Clinton toured poverty-stricken areas of the country. “And now George W. Bush is going to tour what the Republicans perceive as poverty-stricken areas--you know, places where there are people making less than $100,000 a year, country clubs with one pool.” (Jay Leno)


That’s the Spirit: Oak Park, Ill., is planning a 100th birthday celebration for hometown hero Ernest Hemingway. “Said the organizers, ‘It’ll be a party. A big party. A manly party. Not a party for the weak of spirit. A good party.’ ” (Daily Scoop)

On to Weightier Matters: Supermodel Cindy Crawford gave birth to a baby weighing 8 pounds, 4 ounces. “Which is heavier than most supermodels.” (Jay Leno)

The Price of Success: Ricky Martin said that his upcoming tour will showcase work from his entire career. “This means that during each show, he’ll sing ‘Livin’ La Vida Loca’ 15 times.” (Conan O’Brien)

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