
Audie Bock


* “Bad Bills: Just Say No” (editorial, June 14) previews what a legislative body of independent and third-party lawmakers could do to shed light on California’s policymaking process. When Green Party Assemblywoman Audie Bock showed us that the “emperor had no clothes,” what she revealed about her colleagues was even more shocking. Of course the lobbyists and insiders will finger their least-favorite statute--term limits. The real problem is AB 1165 and similar measures that favor fat-cat contributors.

We need more Audie Bocks in the Assembly to expose bad bills, favoritism and pork. Conducting business behind closed doors, swapping favors for big money contributors and just looking the other way when colleagues behave irresponsibly is not acceptable. Major party candidates should be looking over their shoulders in 2000. There are more Audie Bocks on California’s political horizon.


Green Party of San Diego County


* Regarding the state Legislature’s passage of AB 1165, a highway signage bill: Why help a golf course? Because the highway where the sign would be placed has had several accidents because of a lack of signage on the road.


I was not able to be on the floor at the time the vote on the bill was taken because I was a budget conferee. Had I been there, I would have responded to Bock and all those interested as to why the Assembly Appropriations Committee approved the bill.

It was not a thoughtless call but rather an enlightened one, I submit. Your thought on the speed with which bills are passing the Legislature is well taken.


Chair, Assembly Appropriations

Committee, Sacramento
