
Graphic ‘Daughter’


In Jane Horwitz’s June 17 Family Filmgoer review of “The General’s Daughter,” we are told of the “victim’s nude, dead body, graphic gang rape, profanity, sexual language, gunplay, knife fights, death by outboard motor, land mine, videos of sadomasochistic sexual situations. . . .” Kenneth Turan’s review the next day warns of excessive shots of spread-eagled and tortured women.

The Family Filmgoer puts the movie in the “Mature Teens” category. It sounds more like it should be in a “Mature Adult” category. Maybe Horwitz was referring to a young Manson family.

STAN WALKER, Canyon Country


Thanks to Kenneth Turan for pointing out the excessive sexual violence against women.

Two friends and I saw the movie, misled by deceptive trailers, and were outraged by the glamorization and graphic depiction of gang rape as well as the gratuitous shots of the spread-eagled, dead, naked victim.


All involved with the film should be embarrassed to be part of an entertainment industry that continues to perpetuate the graphic and degrading depiction of sexual violence against women. I hope that the legislators in Washington see the movie. It only adds fodder to the raging debate on cleaning up “entertainment.”

