
Jazz Review : Roy Hargrove Trumpets His Improvisational Skills


Talk about pound-for-pound power: Trumpeter Roy Hargrove may be small and compact in size, but his playing explodes with the force and energy of a solid heavyweight.

On Tuesday at Catalina Bar & Grill, in the opening set of a six-night run, the 29-year-old Hargrove, one of the first of the young jazz lions of the ‘90s, delivered one impressive solo after another. Often scouring the top notes of his horn, rapidly executing fast-note lines, it was soloing that was as emotionally exhilarating as it was musically intriguing.

Opening-night sets can be difficult for many players, as they adjust to the acoustics, the sight lines and--on most Tuesday nights, in most clubs--less than full-house crowds. But when Hargrove came on stage, it was as though he had flipped on an inner switch, instantly generating full improvisational voltage. Although he was accompanied in the front line by the talented Sherman Irby on alto saxophone, with pianist Larry Willis delivering consistently imaginative solos, Hargrove essentially dominated the proceedings.


Always a fiery player, he continued his familiar pattern of bursting through the chord changes on the up-tempo numbers. But on two relatively laid-back pieces--”Nature Boy” and “Never Let Me Go”--he revealed a more tender quality, a willingness to set aside his sometimes feverish intensity in favor of a more introspective path into the music. His flugelhorn playing on the former tune, especially during a lengthy rubato passage with Willis, was a gorgeous example of melody-making; and the rarely played but lovely “Never Let Me Go” was executed with loving concern for its flowing line.


The Roy Hargrove Quintet at Catalina Bar & Grill through Sunday. 1640 N. Cahuenga Blvd., (213) 466-2210. $18 cover tonight at 8:30 and 10:30; $18 cover Friday, Saturday at 8:30 p.m. and Sunday at 7 p.m.; $16 cover Friday, Saturday at 10:30 p.m. and Sunday at 9 p.m. Two-drink minimum.
