
Hollywood Fits the Trendy Profile


Elia Richard Morris showed scant knowledge of geographical Hollywood and that he is out of touch with recent developments there [“Hollywood Revival? They’re Dreaming!” Letters, Aug. 29]. He stated that Old Pasadena and Santa Monica’s Third Street Promenade were successful due to their proximity to solid upper-middle-class residential neighborhoods.

Hollywood is situated likewise, as it is surrounded by the very solidly upper-middle-class neighborhoods of Hancock Park, Los Feliz and Hollywood Hills, and is adjacent to the trendy and affluent West Hollywood.

Hollywood is already transforming itself into a trendy urban area, which is one of the reasons the CMI Group is investing so heavily in the area.



Yucca Valley

* In New York City, 42nd Street was in decline for more than 50 years. Voila, the area around 42nd Street, Hell’s Kitchen, was never middle-class or upper-class. But now it is a desirable place for all income levels of people to live and work! With just one big major investment on 42nd Street by Disney. The same thing can happen here, when the new home of the Oscars is built in Hollywood. It will again be a great place to live and be seen in.


West Los Angeles
