
Football’s Not That Hard to Grasp


Wow. I had no idea a professional journalist could have such a bias against a defenseless 15-ounce pigskin ball (“So, You Think Football’s a Pain in the End Zone?” Sept. 13) that she would slam not only millions of football fans who read the L.A. Times but also my new video that tries to explain this complex sport in a fast, fun way. I guess I shouldn’t expect too much from someone who admittedly doesn’t understand Shakespeare, opera, religion and is beyond help in comprehending professional sports.

Mimi Avins’ coverage of my tape was insulting. If she really thinks it takes 20 or 30 viewings to grasp the main concepts of football, she must have very limited brain capacity and/or believe women are total idiots. If she had bothered to interview me, I could have told her that everyone in my test-marketing grasped the main concepts in one viewing. But I guess gathering facts would have further interfered with her J. Crew/sushi time.

Apparently, it’s just my bad luck that my new product would get assigned to someone who would rather do anything than talk football, even walking on hot coals. There’s a lot to learn in the world, Mimi Avins. I suggest you open up your mind and give it a try.



Thousand Oaks
