
Parents’ Role in Education


Re “L.A. Unified Gets Dismal Ratings From Public,” April 11: Why is everyone so afraid to ask the questions that really need to be asked? Parents, how much time do you spend with your kids discussing their schoolwork or reading with them? Do you know how your child is doing before the report card comes home? Do you stress to your children that they are at school to learn?

As a parent of a child in public school who does do all the things mentioned, I can assure you that it makes a difference. I can also assure you that I am in the minority. My child excels in all subjects because that is what my wife and I expect, and it is our duty as parents to make sure it happens. The teachers cannot do it alone. Those parents who are not actively involved in their children’s education are the same parents whose children are not getting the most out of their potential. Public school or private.




Re your April 9 editorial supporting merit pay for teachers: Allow me to state that the education of a child involves a partnership between the school and the family, with perhaps the family being the most important factor. We in education struggle to teach kids who have never been to the beach or played in the snow. Many kids enter school not knowing basic colors and have never been read to.


A teacher and a school cannot fully make up for moms and dads who either do not or cannot adequately prepare their kids for school. So if The Times extols the virtue of merit pay, then at least half should be paid directly to the parents who provide a nurturing atmosphere that facilitates learning for their children.


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