
Pay Scale for L.A. Teachers

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* Re “New Teacher Pay Scale Gets an ‘A,’ ” editorial, April 26: Raising the salaries of new credentialed teachers by nearly $5,000 is a slap in the face to all emergency-credentialed teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Without emergency-credentialed teachers, many classes, especially math and science, would have 40-80 students.

Last year over 10,000 emergency-credentialed teachers statewide didn’t return to the classroom. One reason is the $10,000 to $20,000 that it costs to get a regular credential. The very least LAUSD could do is reimburse emergency-credentialed teachers for their costs once the credential is obtained.


Newbury Park

* UTLA will fortunately fight what you call “performance-based salaries” because they are unjust and patronizing to all teachers and would be detrimental to all students.


Basing all teacher salaries on their students’ standardized test scores on one test, the Stanford 9, is ludicrous. A secondary gym teacher would have his or her salary tied to student math and reading test scores. That is the district’s proposal that you are supporting.

Your editors should do their research before they bash teachers and blame them for the increasing wealth stratification in the United States, overcrowded and dilapidated schools, an overworked and underpaid underclass and inadequate health care. Real reform would address these issues, not blame teachers for social and economic conditions that they have no control over.


Los Angeles
