
‘Beach’ No Washout


In her July 27 Home Video column, Susan King repeats the myth that “The Beach,” in her words, “sank at the box office.” More than $140 million worldwide is hardly chump change. Even the domestic gross at close to $40 million is a respectable amount, considering the subject matter of the film wasn’t high-concept. It beat by a large margin “The Insider,” “Girl Interrupted” and “Being John Malkovich,” films not bandied about in similar “flop” terms.

It’s almost done in a mean-spirited way, perhaps because the hype of Leonardo DiCaprio’s first produced film since the release of “Titanic” did not perform to overblown expectations. This is true. But it didn’t tank. It has made a profit, and his popularity worldwide brought more money into the studio that produced it than a generally considered hit, such as “The Talented Mr. Ripley,” which grossed millions less worldwide.

Though I mean no disrespect to the talents of Christian Bale or Ewan McGregor, imagine how much more “American Psycho” ($15 million domestic) would have grossed had DiCaprio been in it (as earlier announced) or how much less “The Beach” would have grossed if McGregor had played the role (as was the original plan).



West Hollywood
