
Cell Phones in Subway


* Re “Red Line Subway Leaves Cell Phone Users Blue,” Aug. 13:

When I was in college locally in the late ‘40s doctors still made house calls. I went to a lecture that included a man from the telephone company talking about the then very new technology of having a telephone in one’s car. Wow, were we impressed! The company expected doctors to be big users of this new gadget. It turned out that they wouldn’t touch it with the proverbial 10-foot pole. We asked why. He replied they found out that the only time a doctor was away from a telephone was when he was in his car. He treasured the peace and quiet and didn’t want it interrupted.


San Marino


* Equip one car on each Red Line train with cell phone capabilities. It might be the first or the last car, advertised for cell phone users. The cell-phoners may talk all they want and not bother those who want to have quiet while they ride. Cell phone use in other cars would be a violation.




* You report that Tokyo transit officials have tried to ban cell phone use on subway trains. But you fail to mention their most cogent reason for desiring to do so. A powered cell phone may disturb the functioning of the pacemaker of a nearby passenger. Anyone riding the Tokyo transit system hears that warning repeatedly over the PA system.



Pacific Palisades
