
Great Cathedrals


* Re “Cathedral Builders Express Sense of Awe,” Aug. 17: Whether to spend church funds on social programs for the downtrodden (as Catholic Worker proposes) or on a $163-million cathedral is “an argument about a vision of the church” (Eric DeBode quote) that is properly internal to the church.

The statement by Pope Nicholas V (1447-1455) on why he intended to replace the old St. Peter’s with the far more splendid one that stands today in the Vatican is still relevant to the ongoing church debate: “To sustain the faith of the unlettered masses there must be something that appeals to the eye or it will wither away. But if authority were visibly displayed in magnificent buildings, imperishable monuments and everlasting witnesses seemingly built by God himself, the belief implanted by doctrine would be confirmed and strengthened” (“Hagia Sophia: Architecture, Structure and Liturgy of Justinian’s Great Church,” by R.J. Mainstone).


North Hollywood


The $163-million cathedral will be a sheer waste of money if it does not include educational facilities for the poor, rehabilitation for gang members, a section to clothe, feed and shelter the impoverished and a home to the thousands of runaway teens who have nowhere to turn to but the streets. Sacred space is wasted space unless it serves humanity in practical terms.



Los Angeles
