
Foreign Produce


Re “A Lemon From Sen. Boxer,” editorial, Aug. 21: I am a third-generation lemon and avocado grower in Ventura County who faces the very real possibility of losing my business if the USDA’s assurances that our crops will be protected from Argentine citrus pests and diseases fail. The USDA made similar assurances three years ago when Mexican avocados were first brought into the U.S. Within a matter of months, two very devastating new pests invaded our orchards. One, avocado thrip, destroyed 40% of my avocado crop in 1998. This year I’ve already spent more than the avocados made in efforts to eradicate the pest and save next year’s crop. Please don’t ask me to trust the USDA to put the safety of my farmlands above its politically driven trade interests.

You mention that Sunkist Growers signed a deal to market the Argentine lemons. My family has been a member of Sunkist for almost 50 years. You should know that prior to signing that deal, the board of Sunkist did not solicit the members’ opinions. I am not the only member of Sunkist Growers who supports Sen. Barbara Boxer and the U.S. Citrus Science Council in their efforts to block the importation of Argentine citrus. Until the safety of such imports can be assured by sound science, the health and future existence of U.S. farms should take priority over placating our trading partners.


