
Vernal Pools Threat


* Re “Politicized Science Equals Bad Science,” Commentary, Aug. 24: David Stirling exposes a critical problem in planning around endangered species today, that of “nonexperts.” However, rather than take his own advice, this attorney offers his “expert opinion” about endangered wildlife like fairy shrimp and salmon. Contrary to his assertions, there is plenty of evidence pointing to the past and continuing threats to vernal pools from poor choices for siting developments, including the proposed campus at Merced.

One option for our new “environmental” UC campus and its associated community is in the midst of the largest assemblage of vernal pools remaining in the world. This issue was brought to the attention of the media by UC scientists, not environmentalists. The vast majority of my fellow UC scientists regard this site choice as a major threat to vernal-pool wildlife and plants.

The Endangered Species Act is often the last stand that keeps wildlife and plants from being forced into extinction. It may also be the hurdle that convinces the UC regents to select a less-harmful, adjacent site for our new Central Valley campus and preserves this important piece of California’s heritage.



