
Espinoza Gets Probation in Santa Ana Council Probe

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A federal judge on Monday sentenced former Santa Ana City Councilman Tony Espinoza to one year of probation and 250 hours of community service for lying to investigators probing a scheme to take control of the council.

Espinoza, the second of four defendants to be sentenced in the case, pleaded guilty earlier this year to one felony count of lying to federal investigators.

Calling the case a “tragedy” for the community, U.S. District Judge Gary L. Taylor set aside a recommendation from probation officials that Espinoza be sentenced to only 100 hours of community service.


“I hope to convey the message that this court does not treat this matter lightly,” Taylor said moments before reading the sentence. “This is a very serious offense.”

Espinoza, a former county probation officer who resigned after pleading guilty, remained virtually silent throughout the hearing.

But his attorney, James A. Asperger, told the court that Espinoza regrets his involvement in the case and stressed after the hearing that his client was never convicted of corruption charges.


Last month, former council candidate Hector Olivares was sentenced to two years’ probation and 500 hours of community service for his role in the scheme masterminded by then-Councilman Ted R. Moreno.

Moreno’s conviction capped a four-year FBI investigation into the councilman’s acceptance of illegal campaign contributions from a gas station owner with the promise of helping him secure a beer and wine license. Moreno used the money in an unsuccessful attempt to elect several political allies to the council.

Moreno, who was convicted in September on extortion and money-laundering charges, is scheduled to be sentenced later this month. The fourth defendant, Roman Palacios, pleaded guilty to one felony count of conspiracy to extort. He is scheduled to be sentenced Feb. 1.
