
Economy data due this week:

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* Wednesday, more evidence of whether there is a slowdown in the U.S. economy will come in the Conference Board’s index of leading economic indicators for November. The index, a gauge of growth over the next six to nine months, declined 0.2% in October.

* Thursday, the Conference Board will release its consumer confidence index for December, another indicator of the economy’s pulse. In November the index posted its lowest reading, at 133.5, since January 1999. The index is based on a survey of 5,000 households.

* Thursday, the National Assn. of Realtors reports on sales of previously owned homes for November. They fell 3.9% in October to a 4.96 million pace. Lower mortgage rates have helped sustain housing.


* Thursday, the Labor Department will report on first-time claims for state unemployment benefits for the week ended Dec. 23. They rose by 34,000 the previous week.

* Friday, the National Assn. of Purchasing Management-Chicago’s index for December will be released. The gauge of manufacturing orders, output and other activity could point to more sluggishness in industry in the industrial Midwest. In November, the index stood at 41.7. A reading below 50 suggests the manufacturing economy is contracting.
