
Saturn Bandit

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* What an enormous relief to read “ ‘Saturn Bandit’ Seemed Driven to Steal Cars at LAX” (Jan. 29). In January 1996, I returned to LAX after three days on a business trip and found that my Saturn was not where I had left it. After searching most of the parking structure except the roof, where as a matter of policy I never park my car, I determined the car had been stolen.

I attempted to report it as such to the LAPD airport substation. I was told that I probably had left the car in a different space. I insisted I had not. The officers insisted we look again. The Saturn was eventually located on the roof--windows intact, doors locked. The LAPD officers had a long laugh at my expense. I drove away, concerned for my sanity. A day later, I opened the glove compartment and realized that some CDs and several dollars in coins were missing--no doubt the work of the now-incarcerated Saturn bandit.


Los Angeles
