
‘A Kid’s Life’ Packed With Inspiration

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A Kid’s Life. Robbo. Blanket Kid Productions. CD: $17; cassette: $12. (661) 799-9994.

“Everything we do becomes our life” is the theme in this good-hearted and heartstring-tugging collection for elementary and middle school-age kids from local children’s singer-songwriter Robbo. Sensitivity and humor infuse empathetic, inspirational and ego-boosting songs about bullies, overcoming problems in school, teasing, family, wearing braces, respect and a teddy bear’s comfort.

A host of celebrities lend their talents to spoken-word introductions for the songs: “Just Shoot Me’s” Laura San Giacomo, Henry Winkler, Teri Garr, Armin Shimerman (“Deep Space Nine”), Robert Duncan McNeill (“Voyager”), Julie Hagerty, Wilford Brimley, Vanna White and many others. Robbo’s one just-for-fun song, “Twist Your Tongue,” pays tribute to Danny Kaye, and adults beware: You’ll be hard put not to get misty-eyed during “Sing Me Another Song,” about a father and son whose roles reverse with the passing of time.


Aesop’s Fables. Imagination Station. Imagilot Entertainment. CD: $15. (310) 854-4196; Children’s Book World, (310) 559-2665.

Santa Monica-based theater troupe Imagination Station has released its first recording, a well-produced audio version of one of its comic stage romps. Performed by Jennifer Brandt, Jake Eberle, Shari Getz and Jon E. Reed, it’s a quirky spin on several familiar fables, woven together with sound effects and clever original music by Paul Rabjohns.

Highlights: The fox in “The Fox and the Crow” sounds remarkably like Cary Grant; Lion can’t eat Mouse because he’s a friend of a friend; Crow gives an aerial report during the race between Tortoise and Hare; City Mouse is one cool and jazzy dude; and Cat seems to be channeling Mae West: “It’s not the mouse in your life, it’s the life in your mouse.”
