
Questions and Answers in Orange Unified

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* Re “In Orange, ‘Unified’ is a Misnomer,” Feb. 6:

In response to the latest controversy facing the Orange Unified School District, trustee Martin Jacobson said, “If we’re far right of the community, why do we keep getting elected?”

The answer is that no one knows when the election is.

Orange is the only school district in the county with an odd-year election. Typically, voter turnout for OUSD elections is under 15%.

To increase turnout, last year I formally proposed to the school board that they move the election to the even-year general election. Along with that, I proposed they modify the trustee area boundaries, last updated in 1974.


I was told openly by one board member that increasing voter turnout increased the possibility that uninformed voters will show up to vote. Another said that it is easier to get reelected when fewer people vote. They ignored my request.

The result? In November, the voter turnout for the OUSD election was less than 5%. No one challenged trustees Bill Lewis and Bob Viviano, and Maureen Aschoff’s challenger did not put up a campaign.

If Jacobson considers a voter turnout of 5% an affirmation of his policies by making it hard for people to vote, then I hope his version of democracy doesn’t make its way into OUSD civics courses, or I will be sending my kids to private schools. Then again, maybe that’s his goal.




* The Times chooses to quote Gerry Klein, a parent of a student in Orange, who says, “you have a radical union. . . .”

How radical is it to ask for a wage equivalent to the median in Orange County and decent health benefits from a district that can afford them?

Give me a break!



* Now I am beginning to understand why the Orange Unified School District is in so much trouble.


In response to the fact that the district has such a high percentage of emergency-credentialed teachers (“The Untrained Bolster O.C. Teaching Staffs,” Jan. 30), the district assistant superintendent, Wes Poutsma, was quoted as saying that teaching is a calling and it is enthusiasm that counts.

I wonder when was the last time he flew in a plane flown by an enthusiastic but untrained pilot. I wish the district happy landings.


