
Prop. 19

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* Paul R. Cooley’s letter (Feb. 15) regarding confusion in the Voter Information Guide, specifically Prop. 19, is well-taken. As the author of the argument against Prop. 19, I agree that my argument seems “out of left field.” This is because the secretary of state’s office gave me incomplete information. The list of ballot propositions stated that Prop. 19 was SB 1690, a specific state Senate bill. I called it up on the Legislature’s Web site, read it and wrote the argument accordingly. All of the provisions I mention are in the bill.

When I got my own ballot pamphlet, I was surprised to see that Prop. 19 only dealt with murder penalties for peace officers, not posses or other other items I mentioned. I called the legislative analyst’s office, and was advised that the rest of the bill became law in 1999 with the governor’s signature--and only the murder penalty portion had to go before the voters.

I wish they would have told me ahead of time. But I take responsibility for not checking into it further.



San Gabriel
