
The Olsens: Why Not Write About Some Talented Kids Instead?

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I fail to see what good the Olsen twins have done (“The Olsens Inc.,” by Carolyn Ramsay, Jan. 30). All they have done is repeat lines that were spoken to them. They show no real acting ability and have no real talent. And unlike most teenagers who have to work for the clothes they wear and will be lucky if they ever get the car they want, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have everything handed to them on a platter. There are many other, far more talented teens who are actually doing something good for the world. Yet you fail to recognize them.

To me, the Olsen twins just seem to be two girls playing dress-up with money they didn’t earn. They could at least be using the money, which they got even though they have no talent whatsoever, for some good.

Katie Voss

Age 14



As an indentical twin, I was fascinated by the article on the Olsen twins.

Never having watched their TV sitcom, I don’t really have any opinion on their talents or contributions to the entertainment world. I can only base my impression of these kids on their photographs in the magazine, which are absolutely horrible. These kids look surly, spoiled and bored to death, like doped-up zombies. Whoever dressed and posed them like 13-year-olds going on 19 should have had better sense.


They sure don’t look like they’re enjoying life at the top, regardless of what their families and publicists say.

Barbara Wood

