
Man Accused of Abandoning Son Takes Leave From Work

From Associated Press

A man accused with his wife of abandoning their disabled son at a Delaware hospital has been granted a three-month paid leave from the chemical company he runs.

Richard Kelso, president and chief executive officer of PQ Corp., requested the leave Wednesday to deal with “family matters,” said John Reed, a spokesman for the Berwyn-based company.

Kelso did not return a phone call Friday seeking comment.

Kelso, 62, and his wife Dawn Kelso, 45, were charged Monday with misdemeanor counts of child abandonment and conspiracy.


On Sunday, the Kelsos left 10-year-old Steven Kelso at the Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children in Rockland, Del., along with a note saying they could no longer care for the boy. Steven has cerebral palsy, breathes through a tube and uses a wheelchair.

Steven Kelso remained at the hospital Friday.
