
Did Seniors Sink the Parcel Tax?

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Re “Irvine Teachers Protest Possible Cuts in Staffing, Noted Programs,” Jan. 19:

My daughter graduated from the Irvine school system and went on to Chapman University primarily because of the Irvine music program.

Without the programs offered by Irvine, she might not be studying for her teaching credential now.

The reason we and many others moved to Irvine in the first place was the programs offered by the Irvine school system. Now as Irvine residents we are faced with a $95 parcel tax or laying off teachers. Don’t forget the exemption for senior citizens.


Please let us think more about what we are saying to the new group of children entering the Irvine school system when we vote in April on what the future holds for them.




Homeowners in Irvine should be aware that good schools are a major factor in keeping up property values.

People will pay top dollar for a residence to get their children into good schools. In recent months three townhouses on my street have sold for the asking price in days, if not hours.


I don’t think it is a coincidence that all the buyers have children in school. If residents care about keeping up the value of their homes, they should vote for the parcel tax. It is enlightened self-interest.




Columnist Dana Parsons missed the boat with “$95 Too Taxing for Greatest Generation?” (Jan. 16).

He stated he has “grudges aplenty for those who can afford” Irvine’s proposed $95 parcel tax “but don’t want to pay on the grounds they have no school-age children.”


This is not why we don’t want this tax! Parents, seniors, empty nesters, childless by choice, or just “no kids yet” people have all agreed. This tax is unfair and stupid.

The number of Irvine parcels is disproportionate to the number of school-age kids and this will only get worse.

With the Irvine parcel tax, large family homes (three to six bedrooms) pay $95 per year, no matter how many students live in the house. Irvine renters with school-age children pay no tax.




How does Dana Parsons determine that it is the older generation that was responsible for the proposed $95 tax for school enrichment in the city of Irvine to fail to get a two-thirds majority vote?

As one of that generation and a long-time Irvine resident, I protest that I and every other senior I know voted for the proposal, if for no other reason than to protect our property values.

I might suggest that in lieu of another expensive election, the city might consider taking some of the money that is being wasted on anti-airport propaganda being sent to Irvine residents, the majority of whom are opposed to the airport. That money might better be allocated to the schools for their improvement.





I must take exception to Dana Parsons’ hit piece on my generation.

First he lays on the accolades, then he dumps on us, blaming the small population of seniors in their 70s and 80s for “calling in some chits” and helping to kill the parcel tax in Republican, tax-hating Orange County.

I don’t think he knows how “they” voted. Many of my generation are in very expensive care facilities or will be and don’t know if their nest eggs will cover their future needs.

I can’t speak for the younger seniors, but I am sure they must have some of the same concerns. Those whippersnappers retiring at 65 today were preteens during World War II.


Costa Mesa
