
2 Guards Killed in Armored Car Heist

From Associated Press

Masked gunmen with assault rifles ambushed and killed two armored car guards in a strip mall before escaping Friday with three bags of money.

At least three men were involved in the holdup. Police Capt. Richard Perkins said the robbers had arrived at the mall to wait for the armored car guards about 2 1/2 hours earlier.

“It obviously was not your run-of-the-mill robbery,” Chief Michael Mayberry said. “This was well-planned.”


He said he did not know how much money was taken.

Two robbers gunned down the first guard as he walked toward the store with a bag of money. The second guard, the driver, was shot when he went to investigate, Perkins said.

Police believe that one of the guards exchanged gunfire with a robber and wounded him, possibly in the leg.

They found blood in an abandoned getaway car.
