
Milosevic Joins Wanted List on Interpol Web Site


Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic has joined some of the world’s most wanted criminals on Interpol’s Internet site, the global police force said Wednesday.

The site featured a photograph of Milosevic with the caption: “Wanted for crimes against humanity.”

An Interpol spokeswoman said the mug shot was put up recently at the request of the U.N. war crimes court in The Hague. The tribunal has indicted Milosevic for war crimes in Kosovo.


Four other top Yugoslav officials, including Serbian President Milan Milutinovic, also appeared on Interpol’s wanted list at the tribunal’s request.

They joined other fugitives, who include Osama bin Laden, a Saudi exile wanted in connection with 1998 bombing attacks on two U.S. embassies in East Africa that killed 224 people.
