
City to Remove 53 Eucalyptus Trees


Without any debate, City Council members this week voted to remove 53 eucalyptus trees throughout the city.

Arborists determined that the trees were either diseased or in danger of being uprooted by high winds, City Manager Mike Sedell said. They will be replaced with a variety of fast-growing trees that the city believes will be more hardy.

The project will cost about $24,800.

In other action Monday, council members approved an ordinance requiring developers and utility companies to make sure that shrubs or trees are planted to mask any new utility boxes installed in the city. Alternatively, the boxes can be located behind buildings or otherwise obscured.


Councilman Paul Miller was the lone dissenting vote. He said it would be easier to direct planning commissioners and city staff to make sure that the utility boxes are screened.

But the rest of the council noted that even though it was the city’s policy to mask the boxes, developers were installing them in conspicuous places anyway.

“I agree we shouldn’t put too many laws on the books, but why has this happened over and over again?” Councilman Steve Sojka said, referring to several utility boxes on sidewalks in front of buildings.

Sojka said that he contacted officials at a couple of utilities and that they voiced no objection to the change.
