
Name That Company


I celebrated my 100th birthday this year. My 45,000-plus employees grow and harvest trees; manufacture, distribute and sell forest products, including logs, wood chips, building products, pulp, paper and packaging products; and engage in real estate construction and development. I’m a leading recycler of office wastepaper, newspaper and corrugated boxes and the world’s largest private owner of merchantable softwood timber. I’m also the top forest products exporter in the United States and among the top U.S. exporters overall. I’m based in Washington state, and I raked in more than $12 billion last year. Bet you can’t pronounce my name. Who am I?

Know the answer? Send it to us with “Fool Trivia” written at the top and you’ll be entered in a drawing for a prize.

Last Week’s Trivia Answer

My slogan is “Cover the Earth,” but in 1866 I mainly covered things such as carriages and buggies. I developed dry chemical pigments, brushable lacquers, synthetic enamels and emulsified finishes. These days I’m developing environmentally friendly coatings. Some of my brand names include Dutch Boy, Krylon and Dupli-Color. I have more than 3,000 stores in 50 states and beyond. Based in Ohio, I’m the U.S. market leader in distribution and sales of coatings; my yearly revenue tops $5 billion. Who am I?


Answer: Sherwin-Williams (ticker symbol: SHW)


Our Los Angeles Times winner is ...

Evelyn Brown of Los Angeles, who will receive a copy of “The Foolish Four, How to Crush Your Mutual Funds in 15 Minutes a Year” with a forward by Tom Gardner.
