
Thousand Oaks City Council


* Ed Masry proved himself to be a hero to the people of Hinkley when he represented average citizens in the face of corporate indifference to their welfare. In Thousand Oaks, he’s helped average citizens fight careless development.

He went to bat for Councilwoman Elois Zeanah by contributing $50,000 to her David-and-Goliath fight against a $400,000 attack-dog recall committee.

He went to bat for residents of Newbury Park fighting the dangerous 12% grade on Borchard Road.


He went to bat for Lang Ranch residents--and indeed anyone who cares about the ancient oaks threatened by Lang Dam. All without charging a cent.

Ed Masry has proven that he cares about Thousand Oaks and respects the wishes of the majority of its residents. We need his understanding of the law and the way it can work to protect the residents’ rights. Along with Councilwoman Linda Parks, Masry really cares about protecting the environment and holding developers to the limits of the general plan. Together, Parks and Masry can protect our Thousand Oaks heritage.


Newbury Park

* Re “Borchard Road Suit Appears Dead,” Sept. 26.

Because the matter has become a City Council campaign issue, may I suggest that Thousand Oaks voters take the time to drive up and down the recently opened Borchard Road extension and form their own opinions as to its safety?


Thousand Oaks

* Chris Buckett is an amazing lady and an active member of our community. She has consistently pursued the city of Thousand Oaks on redevelopment issues, enforcement of state health and safety laws, senior concerns and preservation of Hill Canyon and open space.

I have known Buckett for five years, both professionally and as a friend. My experience with her began when I ran for the board of the Groves Homeowners Assn. She had already begun to pursue the city’s redevelopment agency regarding building codes and difficulties with the builder of the Groves. If not for her efforts, we may never have pursued and settled a lawsuit against the builder.

Please join me in supporting Buckett for Thousand Oaks City Council. She is the public’s last line of defense; it’s time we vote to make her our first line of defense.



Thousand Oaks
