
Armstrong Williams on Abortion Pill


* It’s hard to imagine reading more illogical and preposterous statements than found in Armstrong Williams’ argument about poisoning babies with RU-486 (Commentary, Oct. 4). I wonder if Williams thinks he’s eating chickens when he has eggs in the morning. To a normal adult mind the blocking of hormones (how RU-486 works) to stem fetal development can hardly be construed as “baby poisoning.” It’s also difficult to accept Williams’ argument that the production of RU-486 is tied to the producer of poisons used in the Nazi gas chambers because the manufacturer is an offshoot of a company that produced those poisons in WWII. Using that logic we can tie our entire space program to the Nazis through manufacturers like Siemens and German scientists like Wernher von Braun.

Williams belongs to a group of pious, ever-appalled conservatives who live in an eternal state of disgust with the rest of the human race. It’s their livelihood to judge and condemn most of humankind. Just don’t look for logic in their arguments.


Huntington Beach


I applaud Williams’ discernment in exposing the abortion pill for what it is--a sickening chemical reminiscent of the Nazi regime. Tell me, what is there to celebrate about the advent of a drug whose sole purpose is the termination of defenseless human life? How can society justify its condemnation of the Holocaust when it expands its assault on countless innocents, whose only “crime” is that they are unwanted? Shame on us!



Redondo Beach
