
Presidential Campaign


* Re your Oct. 19 profile of Republic vice presidential candidate Dick Cheney: Poor old Dick Cheney, trying to eke out a living on a measly old government stipend of $250,000 per year. The citizens of this country are forever in his debt that despite this extraordinary financial hardship, he remained indentured in our service for nearly 15 years.

After reading his sad testimony, I can fully understand how this man has been able to delude himself into thinking that the government had absolutely nothing to do with his recent windfall in the private sector. Someone please stick a logo on this man and finally pay him what he is worth.




So Cheney believes that Iran released our hostages as Ronald Reagan was inaugurated because “they knew they were going to be dealing with a very different kind of president” (Oct. 17). Precisely. They knew they’d be dealing with a president who would trade arms for hostages.





Thank you, Robert Scheer, for your profound assessment of George W. Bush’s inappropirateness for the presidency (Commentary, Oct. 19). The thought of a Bush presidency fills me with paralyzing fear. Not because I disagree with his principles--though I do, I could learn to live with that. My fear has to do with his unbearable lightness of being, his arrogance, his immaturity, his inability to focus beyond the memorization of crafted banalities. How any responsible leader--including his own father--could be blinded to the unsuitability of Bush for the presidency is beyond my comprehension.


Laguna Hills


According to Scheer, “Tuesday’s debate was about as good as Gore gets.” If the boorish Gore is elected, let’s hope so. For how can one have any confidence that this violator of debate rules won’t violate other, more important rules, namely the rule of law?




Hurrah for Michael Ramirez, who seems to be the only one on your paper who has a clear vision of what we can expect from Gore should he be elected (cartoon, Oct. 19). The whining diatribes by Scheer serve as an example, coming from a writer who idolizes the immoral perjurer, Bill Clinton; Scheer is now buying into Gore’s numerous fabrications. Gore will be pitching our tax dollars in every direction.


Los Angeles


After seeing and hearing the debates, I feel that I know what is best for all of us no matter who wins. We should all move to Texas or at least change our country’s name to the United States of Texas.


Garden Grove
