
Growth and Oxnard Airport


* Re “Airport Poses Wake-Up Call for Economy, Neighbors,” Sept. 5.

I take issue with this article’s assertion that “restrictions on building an elementary school in the area near the airport have compounded the problem.”

Oxnard Airport’s existence affects building schools throughout virtually all of Oxnard. Get your maps and compasses out. Using the map’s mileage gauge, set your compass at two miles. Now draw full circles at each end of Oxnard’s runway and at the west end of Camarillo Airport’s runway.

The state of California forbids building new schools inside those circles.

Looking at your annotated map, consider that the Oxnard School District’s boundaries lie generally south of Vineyard Avenue and north of Hueneme Avenue. See any place to build schools for all those incoming kids from all those new housing developments which, incidentally, are also mandated by the state?




* In the story on Oxnard Airport, Supervisor John Flynn is quoted as saying, “You have the convenience of 30 people making it inconvenient for a few hundred people because of the possible disturbance of the aircraft.”

I seriously doubt if you could find as many as 50 people who would even be aware of the airplane, much less be disturbed by it. Even if they were “disturbed,” it would only be for a few seconds and, when compared to the “disturbance” the 30 passengers would be subjected to as a result of having to commute to LAX, it pales in comparison.


